Statuomania as a name refers to the compulsive need to install public monuments, statues and sculptures. The name is primarily associated with nationalist projects
and the development of nation-states and nation-feelings through various monuments, depictions of great men and other emblems.
and the development of nation-states and nation-feelings through various monuments, depictions of great men and other emblems.
In the Statuomania exhibition curated by Porin kulttuurisäätö, the nature of memorials
and the processes involved are being reflected: Who can claim the right to celebrated and immortalized memories and visibility? Whose memories are entitled to be heard and taken into account? Who is in charge of urban space and under what conditions can these regulations be breached? Public art reflects society’s values, but also shows the limits of its imagination.
and the processes involved are being reflected: Who can claim the right to celebrated and immortalized memories and visibility? Whose memories are entitled to be heard and taken into account? Who is in charge of urban space and under what conditions can these regulations be breached? Public art reflects society’s values, but also shows the limits of its imagination.
The artists in the exhibition are Sarah-Mecca Abdourahman (CA), Henri Airo (FIN), Benjamin Orlow (FIN/GB), Oskari Ruuska (FIN), Enni Vekkeli (FIN), and Valreza Collective (Tekla Vály and Tereza Holubová, FIN).
The works in the exhibition can challenge, nurture and act as an empathic lens, and watching through it we may see the wounds of the past healing and the future appearing more hopeful.

Sarah-Mecca Abdourahman, Maija Fox, Lenka Glisníková, Kaija Hinkula, Janette Holmström, Jade Kallio, Viljami Nissi, Nylon-kollektiivi (Vita Edvards, Edna Huotari, Ella Rahkonen), Benjamin Orlow, Hanna Peräkylä, Oskari Ruuska, Enni Vekkeli
Warmly welcome to the opening on Friday, 6th of September, 2024 from 5-8pm.
The hallway is full of shoes that are impossible to find. Odd ones will do just fine. Or ten sizes too big. A soda bottle of one and half liters fits inside A’s shoes. H's shoes won't fit anyone else. Party. You have to have cigarettes and alcohol. Who's getting them? Who do we call to get the parents to sneak out? Who's going to have a crush and who's going to throw up? Who's even coming?
Sarah-Mecca Abdourahman, Maija Fox, Lenka Glisníková, Kaija Hinkula, Janette Holmström, Jade Kallio, Viljami Nissi, Nylon-kollektiivi (Vita Edvards, Edna Huotari, Ella Rahkonen), Benjamin Orlow, Hanna Peräkylä, Oskari Ruuska, Enni Vekkeli
Warmly welcome to the opening on Friday, 6th of September, 2024 from 5-8pm.
The hallway is full of shoes that are impossible to find. Odd ones will do just fine. Or ten sizes too big. A soda bottle of one and half liters fits inside A’s shoes. H's shoes won't fit anyone else. Party. You have to have cigarettes and alcohol. Who's getting them? Who do we call to get the parents to sneak out? Who's going to have a crush and who's going to throw up? Who's even coming?
Nothing special happened tonight either, though. I wish K would have a party. I wouldn't drink anything, W is my sobriety pledge.
Anticipation, excitement and maybe even fear alternate.
It's annoying that everyone has been talking about the parties for a month now. It takes some of the fun out of it.
It's exciting. Is this the moment when everything changes. We're on our way someplace, somewhere still unknown.
I wish something would happen. I miss something so much, I don't even know what it is.
House parties are an invitation to get together, to celebrate, but they are also so much more. Learning to be in the world. Finding your own boundaries, defying them. Imagining. The things that can happen. Always something to look forward to. Learning, exploring, wondering. New neighborhoods, houses, homes. You can live like this. A house party (exhibition and phenomenon) challenges space and its expected use. How does a private and defined space change, stretch and give way when it becomes collective, momentarily shared, when space is exposed to different acts and experiments?
The exhibition is born like a house party. New and exciting people have been invited, people you have long wanted to get to know but have not dared to without a good reason. And then there are the people you know are easy, safe, lovely and always fun to be with. You've created megalomaniacal expectations and feared for a total failure. Can you do this? Maybe someone calls the cops or the drinks run out.
Anna Jensen and Eliisa Suvanto have invited 14 artists to a group show at the SIC Gallery, which explores experimentation, the joy of being and working together, potential failures, and the exhibition as a monument and memorial to the process. Kotibileet! / House Party! has been created as a parallel project to the exhibition Statuomania curated by Porin kulttuurisäätö, which will open in January 2025 at the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, exploring the nature and mechanisms of public art. Where Statuomania explores monuments, the compulsive need to erect them, and the kinds of things that art brought into public space celebrates, House Party! on the other hand, studies the boundary between private and public, and who owns public space and who is entitled to privacy. It reflects on what is yet to be revealed, seeks its form, experiments with the new, brings together unpredictable and potentially incompatible elements. Like the house party, the number of participants has lived and swelled, from a party of restraint to something that is impossible to predict. No need to R.S.V.P.
Malmi Old Station
Vanha Helsingintie 24
00700 Helsinki
Malmi Old Station
Vanha Helsingintie 24
00700 Helsinki

Toivotamme teidät lämpimästi tervetulleiksi juhlistamaan Rauha-näyttelyn avajaisia ja Etelä-Karjalan Taiteilijaseuran 35-vuotista taivalta Imatran taidemuseolle 6.6. klo 16.30-18!
Rauha-näyttely on Etelä-Karjalan Taiteilijaseuran 35-vuotisnäyttely, joka on esillä Imatran taidemuseossa 7.6. – 26.7.2024. Näyttelyyn kuraattori Kalle Hamm valitsi 12 taiteilijaa, joilla kaikilla on jokin yhteys Etelä-Karjalaan. Näyttelyssä esillä olevat taiteilijat ovat: William Dennisuk, Janette Holmström, Mikko Kallavuo, Viivi Kiiskinen, Jyrki Markkanen, Samuli Nihtilä, Pauli Parkkinen, Saara Reinikainen, Rauni Tanskanen, Tuomas Tyrisevä, Susa Walve ja Enni Vekkeli.


Paestum ja muita katoamisen tapoja on työkopiovaiheessa oleva lyhytelokuva ja vedessä hajoava veistos. Se on paikan ja sattuman osoittama piirtämisen tapa; piirtää seinän ja lasin välissä tai rautalangalla vedessä. Se on nippu otettuja valokuvia ja kirjoitettuja huomioita muinaisessa Paestumin kaupungissa ja sen eläväisillä liepeillä. Woikka Contemporaryssa Paestum ja muita katoamisen tapoja on esillä ensimmäistä kertaa.